Food is a delicate object to photograph, it requires full co-operations from all parties involved in order to produce mouth-watering and delicious looking photos consistently.
Dennis has been very into food photography and his track records trail back to the days where he first shoot for McDonald's, Coffee Beans & Starbucks. To date, thousands and thousands of food shots he has taken 10 over years and his food shots still look fresh and delicious whenever you looked at them. It is no easy task to be good and consistent for the kind of quality, the little extra effort in every shot and he'll never fail you by giving you more in the end of the sessions.
Dennis knows best when comes to presenting and styling the food to look good and delicious. He is a professional in his field and knows what he's doing. There are situations where client especially the chefs who specialize in preparing the food crossing over his path, it might affect the smooth transitions of the shoot a little but nevertheless he takes it in his stride and get his job done.
We have had two very smooth shooting sessions with our clients Nyonya Kitchen and Pak Li Kopitiam lately because the clients have been briefed for what we need and how we'd want to do it prior to the shootings. No interruptions of chefs, extras (those who are not the persons in-charge but like to give comments without professional knowledge) and the raw food materials (the props) are well prepared. We ended up completing over 25 shots a day and making things easier for everyone. The tempo of the session was good, mood was good and photos naturally excellent.